Central Arizona College
Part Time - ABE/HSE (GED Prep) & ESL Instructional Specialist II Pool
Coolidge, AZ
Mar 21, 2024
$24.24 an hour
Full Job Description
Responsible for teaching courses in accordance with the philosophy, vision, mission, policies, and procedures of the college.

Expected openings for Spring session: 
  • Casa Grande ESL Instructors and Maricopa ESL Instructors.
  • GED Instructors at Superstition  Mountain Campus
  • GED Instructors at Signal Peak Campus (Evening Classes)
  • GED Instructor at Ak-Chin Indian Community


  • Teach assigned classes in accordance with college policy and in a variety of potential modalities (e.g., face-to-face, online, hybrid, Interactive Television (iTv), Weekend College, accelerated, evening or late start classes) on any campus, site or center as directed by division chair or program director.
  • Provide and present information, content, and context through lecture, laboratory, recitation, seminars and/or other learning venues utilizing a variety of teaching/learning styles as appropriate to the course content.
  • Employ a variety of assessment tools; evaluate grades and comment on student work in a timely fashion in order to facilitate and ensure student progress throughout the course.
  • Communicate with students as appropriate. This may include email, online discussions, virtual chats within the Learning Management System, instant messaging (IM), telephone and/or face-to-face consultations to provide frequent feedback. Refer students to appropriate college and community services when needed.
  • Communicate to students when and how they will be available to assist students outside of scheduled class time.
  • Maintain records of student progress and performance; complete and return required reports to the appropriate office by established due date.
  • Develop, prepare and evaluate instructional materials, as required by chair or director.
  • Write and develop syllabi and course calendars, in accordance with college policy.
  • Review and update course outlines and syllabi, and provide input on text selection when appropriate, in cooperation with other faculty and appropriate division chair or program director as necessary.
  • Collaborate with division chair, program director, other faculty and other programs to review and maintain the integrity of the curriculum within established college timelines or more frequently if necessary.
  • Assist in recruitment and retention of students through the development and implementation of teaching and learning strategies primarily in the instructional setting.
2. College/Community Service and Shared Governance: 
  • Recognize the goals and mission of the college to maintain a positive professional and educational environment that promotes student success and enhances community relations.
3. Professional Development: 
  • Are invited to attend and participate in professional development activities.
  • Cultivate development of instructional programs and knowledge of trends, pedagogy, andragogy, and new technologies.
  • Participate in the evaluation process as defined by Policies and Procedures.

Bachelor's Degree in Education or related field.  

Desirable:  degree in basic or elementary education, strong math skills

Be current in subject area and possess the ability to develop, prepare, and evaluate instructional materials that promote learning, along with the willingness to utilize alternative teaching techniques and instructional technology where appropriate.

For more information, please contact Susan Aguilar, Program Director, at 520-494-5960 or email susan.aguilar@centralaz.eduPDN-99bd709b-f3b1-49e9-ab6d-35463326a7c6
Job Information
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Part Time - ABE/HSE (GED Prep) & ESL Instructional Specialist II Pool
Central Arizona College
Coolidge, AZ
Mar 21, 2024
$24.24 an hour
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